California passed a law that indefinitely extends the authority for institutions, and other self-service storage facility owners, to send notices and documentation by electronic mail. Under the existing California Self-Service Storage Facility Act, institutions were no longer authorized to send notices and documentation by electronic mail, subject to specified conditions, after January 1, 2023. However, this new law would remove the January 1, 2023 repeal date and indicates that if any part of the rent or other charges due from a renter remains unpaid for the designated time under the law, an institution may terminate the right of the renter to the use of the storage space at a self-service storage facility by sending a notice to the renter’s last known address by certified mail, postage prepaid, by regular first-class mail if the institution obtains a certificate of mailing indicating the date the notice was mailed, or by email. The law further states that an institution may send notices via email if (1) the rental agreement states that the notices may be sent to the renter by electronic mail and (2) the renter provides a written signature on the rental agreement consenting to receive notices by electronic mail.
Click here to visit the Amended California Self-Service Storage Facility Act.